Friday, January 30, 2009

This week we took a break from rocks and we learned about heating and everything like that. then we started a lab about lab where we brought rocks in and investigated

Monday, January 26, 2009

This week

This week we had a test on the unit of rock formation. Finley was out for that. After that we headed on studying rocks. We did an experement with looking at rocks that were the same types. We had to disquinguish the rocks and describe it. rocks cryatalize larger when they take longer to cool rather than when it cools quickly the cryatlas are really small that was basically our week

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Week

This week we leared about crystals and rocks. We did an experement wit cryatalization to see if our class hypothisis of crystals form biger when a rock cools slower than faster. In our experement we had moth balls and we melted them... We put them in different cups in diffrent cooling places. One in a cool area where that would resmeble where the rock would cool faster. Another in a room temp. area to see a mix of cool and warm and lastly a hot area to show the rock cooling faster. the next day we saw that the cooler area had tiny crystals the area of room temp. had a decient sixe crystals lastly the warmer area had the biggest cryatals. So we proved our hypothisis correct.. Lastly in the week we began a lab on rocks and trying t distinguish one type from the other. Some trays had the same types. Some rocks wrer very light some crystaly, some layerly. We've yet to finish it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Week after X-mas

This week we started to talk about heat and 3 types of heating sourses. Conduction Convexion and Radiation. Monday we started to review review heating because we were off for holiday break. Tuesday we learned about convexion and that oven mitts are only ventelators to protect your extremities from the potentual dangers from the heat. We also learned about how when you put a spoon up to a burner that the paritcles heat up and warm up the spoon and you feel the heat.

Wendsday we learned about lava lamps and that when they get lifted by the particles It falls down. On thursday mr.finley was out and we reviewed this. Friday we took a quis and chilled out